Personal Injury Case Results
Several examples of personal injury case results are listed here but every case has its own unique set of facts and circumstances and therefore the outcome in any particular case cannot always be predicted at the outset. There are many different issues in every personal injury case which involve insurance, liability and damages, and accordingly the amounts recovered will always vary.
$1,084,000 Car accident verdict (settled after trial for $250,0000)
In a disputed liability case, the insurance company refused to pay its insured’s policy limits of $10,000 based on its claim that our client drove his car into the path of their insured and caused the accident. The case went to trial and through eyewitness and expert testimony we proved that the defendant was speeding and was 100% at fault. It settled after trial for 25 times the amount of the policy limits.
$402,500 Motorcycle accident settlement
Our client was seriously injured when he was a passenger on a motorcycle which crashed into another vehicle on a highway. There was only $10,000 in available insurance coverage which the insurance company refused to pay. After lengthy litigation and a trial on their claimed policy exclusion, the case settled for 40 times the amount of their policy limits.
$515,000 Shopping center walkway settlement
While walking out of a restaurant, our client slipped on a walkway and suffered a fractured patella. The area had been painted to designate that it was sloped for handicap access, but the kind of paint which was used made it slippery. The defendant initially denied liability, but after our investigation revealed that they knew about the dangerous condition before our client was injured, the case settled.
$168,500 Defamation Case
Libel/slander settlement in defamation case for publishing false and defamatory statements.
$375,000 Pedestrian accident settlement
Pedestrian accident settlement for 7 year-old child who was hit by a bus while crossing the street in a crosswalk.
$400,000 Legal malpractice settlement
This case was for parents of 21 year old woman killed in a car accident where there was only $25,000 in automobile insurance coverage. The injuries were caused by a seatbelt design and/or manufacturing defect, but prior attorneys failed to recognize the claims and preserve critical evidence.
$150,000 Products liability settlement
While pouring hot soup out of a foam container into a serving bowl, the container collapsed and caused scalding hot soup to spill onto our client causing serious burns. Inm this personal injury case we were able to prove that the soup was served too hot, and the container used could not withstand the extreme temperature.
$5,500,000 Products liability verdict (reduced by the Court to $500,000)
Client was one of several thousand flight attendants who were part of a class action lawsuit brought on their behalf against the tobacco industry for causing illnesses which resulted from exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. She suffered from chronic sinusitis as a result of long-term exposure to smoke in airplane cabins during the time in which smoking was still permitted, and the jury found in her favor. This was, and remains, the only existing case in which the tobacco companies had to compensate someone for illnesses caused by the toxic effects of environmental (“secondhand”) tobacco smoke.
$70,000 Car accident settlement
This personal injury case was for a passenger where liability was disputed and airbag module data was used to obtain favorable result.
$72,500 Car accident settlement
This was for our client whose car was T-boned when the defendant ran a stop sign and caused our client to sustain injuries to his neck and back.
$65,000 Car accident settlement
This personal injury case was for a client who was injured by another driver who had only $10,000 in insurance coverage.
$50,000 Car accident settlement
Settlement for client whose car was hit in the rear, causing neck and back injuries.
$110,000 Pedestrian accident settlement
While out walking her dog, our client was hit by a car. The driver claimed that her vision was impaired by glare from the sun. The driver’s insurance company paid their small policy limits of $10,000, and we were also able to obtain an additional $100,000 through our client’s own insurance policy.
$90,000 Trip and fall accident
Accident at large shopping mall, due to broken parking stop and poor lighting causing fractured hand.
$52,500 Supermarket accident settlement
A leaking freezer caused accumulation of water and client slipped and fell sustaining an aggravation of heart condition and back injury.
$50,000 Bicycle accident settlement
Settlement of a personal injury case for a client who was hit by a car while riding his bicycle, causing multiple open wounds.
$60,000 Scooter accident
Car tried to pass scooter without leaving enough room, striking him and causing him to fall off and suffer a fractured thumb. Liability was initially denied, but we were able to resolve the case after proving through deposition testimony of witnesses that the driver of the car was at fault.
$30,000 General negligence settlement
For client who was injured while sitting in a chair at a shopping outlet outdoor café when the chair collapsed.
$92,500 General negligence settlement
Our client was injured while he was at work, unloading cargo from a truck which was making a delivery to his employer. The cargo on the truck was improperly loaded and partially collapsed, unnecessarily causing him to be injured. Although he received Worker’s Compensation, we were able to obtain additional compensation for his pain and suffering from the owner/operator of the truck.