Workplace Accidents
Workplace accidents can happen at work to anyone, even if the type of work is not inherently dangerous.
Navigating the rules and procedures involved with Worker’s Compensation can be tricky. An experienced injury attorney can not only ensure that you are receiving all of the Worker’s Compensation benefits to which you are entitled, but can also evaluate your case to determine if there are other parties besides your employer who may be responsible for the damages you sustained as a result of the injury at work.
If a negligent third party (meaning someone other than your employer) caused you to be injured while you were at work, then in addition to receiving your Worker’s Compensation benefits you may be able to obtain additional compensation for your damages from that liable third party.
Let's talk about it. We can help now .
Call 954-640-7800 and schedule your free consultation. We will handle your case with compassion and will fight for you every step of the way.